Group 1
Group 1 Home
Set 1: s a t p
Set 2: i n m d
Set 3: g o c k
Set 4: ck e u r
Set 5: h b f l ff ll ss
Set 6: j v w x
Set 7: y z qu zz
Group 2
Group 2 Home
Set 1: ch sh th ng nk
Set 2: ai ee igh oa oo
Set 3: oo ar or ur ow
Set 4: oi ear air er ure
Group 3
Group 3 Home
Set 1: a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
Set 2: ay ea y ow ew
Set 3: ou oy ir aw are
Set 4: ei y ie oe ue
Set 5: wh ph ire au er
Set 6: ie i o ou ea
Set 7: ey ui eer a al
Free 'er' (stretched) worksheets and resources
‘er’ (stretched) worksheets, games, flashcards, PowerPoints and other phonics resources.
Worksheets, Games, Flashcards and Other Printable Resources
Online Games and Interactive Activities
er (stretched) word cloud
Drag and drop the sounds to make ‘er’ words.
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